In any business, saving money is just as important as making it. Be sure you're not unknowingly draining your bank account on an ineffective benefit package. Not every employee has the same need, so be sure to have your plan performing at its best. Affiliated Associates can help.
For over two decades, we've made a valiant effort to focus on the consumer, allowing the opportunity of multiple insurance carriers to mix and match plans. This strategy provides the most thorough coverage for the best price.
Whether you're starting from scratch or revisiting your current benefits to improve your culture, you'll find the help you need at Affiliated Associates.
In addition to group insurance plans, our team can help you find individual plans that meet your life, disability, Medicare and annuity needs. Make sure you're saving as much as you can while still getting the coverage you need by working with Affiliated Associates. Schedule a consultation today!
Contact us today!
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Toll Free Phone: (877)237-9094
TN Mailing Address:
53 N. Main St., Suite 107
Crossville, TN 38555
VT Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 8592,
Essex, VT 05451
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